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This header runs across the top of the page. Tall sand dunes are silhouetted in the foreground high above the ocean. In the top of the frame, partial cloud cover catches the last rays of a gorgeous, red, orange, and gold sunset.
This is the ear tile from Charlie Pizarro’s logo. It’s drawn in gold.
Headshot of Charlie Pizarro.

College also gave me lifelong friends who've all contributed to the world in beautiful, heroic ways. These people and the generosity with which they shared their brilliance helped me learn and grow and redefine who I could be.

After college I worked in nonprofit and government jobs. I spent twenty years gathering and sharing stories to help legal teams protect people from the death penalty. Later, I worked another rewarding decade-plus at a nonprofit that protects people and the environment from the shameless greed of petrochemical company executives.

But really, I’ve only ever had one job: listening to teammates, collaborating with them to clarify what matters, and sharing that truth to strengthen partners, communities, and our shared humanity.


This work is an honor.

This is the story of my career. Below I also include links to a few pieces that more fully describe my path and the family, friends, and colleagues who’ve shaped it.


I was raised in a bi-racial, working-class family just outside San Francisco in the 1970s and 80s. My early perspectives were molded by my European immigrant mother’s living commitment to pluralism and my US-born, Latino father’s experience of brutal racial oppression.

My complexion distinguishes my experience from that of many friends and even members of my own family. It combines with my gender and other dimensions of privilege to give me the benefit of more doubts than I can truly know. This awareness isn't a threat; it's a gift that helps me see myself and the world just a little more clearly.  


I attended public schools as a kid and then an exclusive college. Education opened more doors. Behind one was the opportunity to experience the power of inquiry -- a

form of magic that has enriched my days ever since.

My Story


Let's Talk
Charlie Pizarro logo. It consists of four square tiles arranged in two rows and two columns. This version of the logo appears in gold. Each tile contains a stylized line drawing. The one on the top left features an ear. The one on the top right features a pencil running from top to bottom, and it’s flanked on both sides by plants that are growing. The tile on the bottom left is a raised fist. The one on the bottom right is a sunrise.

Let's Talk

Which mountains are you moving? What would help you move them? What'll the world look like after you succeed?

I'd love to learn about your work!

To reduce spam calls, I've left my phone number off this site. If you reach out via the form below or email me directly at, I'll get right back to you. (I’ll never share your contact info with anyone.)

I look forward to reading your message!

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